From exhausted to energized: thrive with vitality to live, love and lead from a place of brilliance in 9 weeks


Step off the proverbial hamster wheel and be a high achiever without the hustle and rush.

Burnout to Brilliance is for the ambitious high achieving women who is feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and imbalanced and is seeking a way forward that enables her to show up in work and life without the rush and hustle. 

Unlock your stress and burnout cycles with the pathway to Brilliance. This is your blueprint to recharge, refuel and reclaim what matters to love, lead and live from a place of vitality.

You will explore pathways to brilliance from a heart-centered place of compassion and calibrate your nervous system, connect to your intuition and elevate your voice to claim what’s rightfully yours – a live full of joy, creativity, abundance, purpose and gratitude. 

You might feel in one of these places or in between and where ever you are in your journey you are not broken you are responding appropriately to a broken environment and you deserve to be in a place of softness instead of survival. This program empowers you to shift from breaking down to breaking through.

This program will work for you at any stage of the burnout cycle.

High/Chronic Stress:

You are exhausted from being on proverbial hamster wheel and beginning to feel like you are loosing the fire within and know that there is more than perpetually feeling like this

On the Brink of Burnout:

Your spark has dimmed and you are beginning to loose vitality and maybe even starting to feel like you are failing and are hopelessly on the verge heading into full burnout

In the Depths of Burnout:

Your spark is gone and you are completely depleted and are looking for a way back to vitality

“If we want to live a Wholehearted life, we have to
 become intentional about cultivating sleep and play, and about letting 
go of exhaustion as a status symbol and productivity as self-worth.”

– Brene Brown

Your authentic and revitalized self will feel increased:

Unleash the transformation from exhausted to energized.

Abundance in your personal relationships

Intentional and passionate about your work

Reconnected to your intuition

Balanced, centered and at ease

Increased physical energy with improved sleep and digestion

Higher sense of self love and worth

A greater sense of purpose

Elevated joy and play in life and love

Heightened creativity and expression

Profound sense of gratitude

I am Jess, your empowerment stress and burnout partner. 

Think of me as your empowerment partner in undoing what got you here and finding a wholesome, sustainable, and simple path to awakening and illuminating your most vitalized, authentic, and unapologetic self.

How do I know how to help someone like you? I've been there – stressed out and striving for the perfect life on paper. I've since traded in my hustle (and fatigue) to have amble energy and passion to mother, work, and live in a way that I'm proud of. 

I deeply feel and know where you are at and have been there too and I can assure you there is another way of being that unlocks so much vitality, joy, abundance, creativity, purpose and gratitude on the other side.


Breathe into Balance’s methodology paves the way for holistic well-being, empowering you to REAWAKEN AND ILLUMINATE YOUR AUTHENTIC AND UNAPOLOGETIC SELF through Mind~Body~Soul integration.


Holistic Betterment:

Attuning to and embodying physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs


Listening to and trusting your intuition to think, act and take decisions from a heart  centered place


Fostering genuine relationship with deep connection to like minded souls supporting one another


Aligning to your vision and fully stepping into your soul-led purpose as your authentic and unapologetic self for impactful growth and transformation

Mind: Cultivating a mindset grounded in compassion and self-love elevating your unique voice

Body: Regulating the nervous system and optimizing energy with restorative practices and nutrition strategies

Soul: Fostering a deeper connection with your authentic self to step into your power

Your pathway to BRILLIANCE is a 9  week group coaching program that will get to the root cause of your burnout

This program is focused on education, healing and deep integration work to break the stress, anxiety and burnout cycles. 


Rebalance the Nervous System 
We dive into the interplay of stress, burnout and the language of our nervous system. We learn to harness stress as a superpower, identify signals, symptoms and stages of burnout and navigate rebalancing the nervous system with emotional regulation through the power of breathwork and vagus nerve activation to thrive


Revitalize your Rest Relationship 
Nurturing the mind-body connection to promote relaxation and rejuvenation cultivating a sustainable slowdown movement embracing intentional rest and solitude, mindful stillness, restorative practices and re-establishing sleep hygiene 


Renew Self-Love and Compassion
We can only love others as deeply as we love and give compassion to ourselves. This is about heart centered mindset fostering self-love, compassion, kindness, appreciation, and acceptance elevating our compassionate voice to release limiting beliefs



Replenish with Nutrition Strategies
Understand the impact of stress and burnout on our vitality and learn how to cultivate energy as a currency with nutrition strategies to manage stress with nourishing foods, build resilience with adaptogens, elevate your mood with a healthy gut and replenish your endocrine system for sustained energy building resilience


Reenergize with Joyful Movement
Gentle and enjoyable somatic movement that nourishes the body vs depleting it is the antidote to stress, anxiety and burnout. We’ll further cultivate a soulful slow down movement with mindful practices that bring joy to nurture your mind, body and soul


Rejuvenate with Natures Healing Touch
The power of nature & grounding is profound for nervous system regulation. A healthy dose of nature and practicing grounding is a profound way to restore and rejuvenate your nervous system to access greater creativity



Reconnect with your Intuition and Values Reconnecting with your intuition, setting boundaries, and re-establishing values is key to elevating your vitality. Our intuition is our compass always there to guide us when we attune to it and we’ll explore re-establishing values that contribute to purpose and set empowering boundaries creating harmony


Revive Brilliance with Joy, Play & Pleasure
When we regain our vitality we step into a space of expansion experiencing greater joy, pleasure and play in new ways creating time for interests while cultivating deep relationships


Integration + Embodiment + Celebration 
In this bonus week we'll connect 1:1 and dive into your action plan to drive lasting sustainable change. You'll also be invited to participate in Sacred Breathwork



Inside Burnout to Brilliance, you will break old beliefs and patterns, reframe your mindset about rest and establish new routines and rituals that enable you to thrive.

Each week a module will unlock with weekly videos, affirmations and mind~body~soul exercises to build resilience and regain vitality. 

We will collectively meet in 1x weekly live weekly workshops with a group of beautiful soul sisters supporting you to stay accountable supporting you to thrive and find your BRILLIANCE and integrate a new way of being.

you'll receive these with your enrollment:


1 x 1:1 Coaching Session 

1 x 1:1 Sacred Breathwork Journey

Upon completion, you'll receive 20% off 1:1 Soul Purpose Coaching or Ignite your Light Program and Sacred Breathwork Journeys

You can RELAX now.

I deeply feel and see you and know that you are exactly where you are meant to be. You are driven, ambitious and have been doing it all leaving you feeling utterly stressed, exhausted, overwhelmed, imbalanced. In this depleted state you are in reaction mode feeling stuck and out of control. You might have reached a plateau in your growth and you are loosing your confidence and yourself. You also might have already tried meditation or yoga and find rest and relaxation uncomfortable. Your superwoman syndrome leaves you feeling you need to do it all yet are struggling to create the time to put your own oxygen mask with a never ending urgent to do list, crazy working hours and demanding work / home life. You might have even sought therapy and feel it is not addressing the root cause of your stressed, anxious and burned out state. 

You are not broken and are responding appropriately to a broken environment. You know deep down there is more, I have been there and I can confidently say there is another way of being with ease and flow. I strongly believe nervous system regulation is the missing key to healing and an unlock to our stress and burnout cycles. Together we will find the way that empowers you to live your fullest and true potential with the structure to get back on track to elevate your unique voice and reclaim your power to be your most unapologetic and authentic self.

you're where you're meant to be.

Pay In

3 Monthly Payments

$1111 CAD

$515 CAD

*prices are in Canadian Dollars*

Are you ready say goodbye to burnout and step in BRILLIANCE?

Your future self is so ready to meet you on the other side!

limited space available for up to 10 women.


Enroll in the first cohort and get my one-time introductory pricing below and save $777


This cohort of Burnout to Brilliance begins March 21st, 2024.

We will aim for each Thursdays at 12pm EST depending on location of the group. We always encourage you attend the live session to receive the greatest benefits and support of your sisters. Replays will be uploaded by end of day Friday

You'll receive new content each Thursday at 6pm EST to work through at your best convenience. Remember, this isn't about adding more to your plate, it's about lessening the load and rewiring your nervous system to regain vitality. You'll actually feel less overwhelmed by this content.

YES, 100%! The lives are where some of the biggest insights and breakthroughs can occur. This is an investment into your wellbeing with commitment to your growth to show up each week. Even if it’s difficult and you may not have completed all of the module, it supports you to regain vitality.

Yes, and you will have lifelong access should you need to catchup or access any exercises in future.

I am happy to connect on a discovery call HERE to discuss any questions.

Yes, you can pay in full or activate the 3 month payment plan. When you enroll in the first cohort of Burnout to Brilliance, you're actually receiving my best EVER rate for this program at a discount of $777.